G e t r e a d y t o c h a n g e y o u r l i f e s t y l e
Chris Ritchens - Online Fitness Coach & Personal Trainer
"Getting the basics right is the key to a successful diet."

Thanks for tonight Chris, bloody brilliant class x
July 1st 2020
I took the "Ritchens" approach this morning and have hit my 10,000 steps by 07:00.
June 25th 2020
I am so happy that I am not restricted on what I can eat.
June 20th 2020
"Becoming a new you takes new action"

Chris Ritchens
With many years of self training and dieting it felt time to help others by sharing my secrets on how to lose weight, get fit and reach your goals.
I believe that fitness should not only relate to the body, but also to your mind.
I found my love of training and getting fit while going through some mental health issues and used getting fit and healthy as my anchor.
Lv2 Fitness Instructor
Lv3 Personal Trainer
Lv3 Sports Coaching Diploma
AFN Lv4 Certified Nutrition Diploma
"Becoming a new you takes new action"
"Becoming a new you takes new action"
"Stop allowing your diet to ruin your life. Instead
find the diet that makes your life."
Chris Ritchens